Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Top 5 Sources of News

The least diverse news that I get comes from YouTube. Typically, my YouTube is limited to content relating to video games. This is where I get information on new releases, controversies in the game
development field, and leaks of new hardware and software. 

When it comes to world politics, Reddit is the place I get most of my news. Though I am ashamed to admit it, I find out about most world issues through memes on the internet. In many ways, it is my desire to be "in on the joke" that sparks my interest in further research. I do sometimes peruse the news section built into the app, but it's hard for me to take in because it is painfully biased and I find that I can't trust anything I read.

Wikipedia is where I do the majority of my research on politics and world issues. Whenever I see memes or videos on topics I feel a desire to do further research to understand. Another thing Wikipedia allows me to do is research without bias. I understand that most news I see is greatly biased by the reporter, so I often times feel untrusting of modern news. There are many times that, after further research on Wikipedia, I have discovered information being completely fabricated on the internet. I also feel a need to comment on Wikipedia's lack of commercial and private funding. I believe this is the reason that it is famously lacking in bias and focuses its writing on informing.

I typically use Spotify to listen to podcasts, specifically one by the name of "Last Podcast on the Left." The hosts of the show typically cover true crime, historical events, the supernatural, and conspiracy theories. Luckily for everyone around me, the part of their show where I get my news is run in a different format. The podcast does a weekly show called "Side Stories" where they go over news, typically related to true crime. This is where I learned
about important court cases all the way up to the Supreme Court. As much as I do learn from this podcast, I always keep in mind that it is first and foremost an outlet for entertainment, not news.

Nowadays, I rarely look at local news, but if I do I watch ABC 11, the ABC outlet for the Raleigh-Durham area. ABC is a fairly unbiased news network so I feel fairly comfortable with believing what is being reported to me. In large part due to the violence in the area, specifically in parts of Durham, ABC 11 spends a lot of time reporting violence in the area. While this may not make me a particularly good American, I got tired of watching the news. I felt like everything I was taking in was about violence and shootings, I was tired of what my father would call "fear reporting." While I know that fear and violence sells and is important to learn about, I feel like I was flooded with it far too much from a young age and now I'm tired of it. It has led to me actively seeking out more positive news.

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